Promotional Gift Award Winners 20222022-06-09T12:57:36+02:00

Tangible difference

The digital embossing technique that Carry Products won a Promotional Gift Award for in [...]

Combats viruses

From the application form through to the registration certificate – anyone who reaches for [...]

Naked care

The new hand care product from KHK is very liberal: Handcare Naked, an award [...]

Cleverly combined

DigiWipz® Two-in-One by Polyclean not only cleans surfaces, it also dries them afterwards too. [...]

The high-yield seven

The Seed Donor of the company Pferdeapfel Naturdünger is an advertising ambassador of long-lasting [...]

Time signal

In August 2019, around 100 years after being launched, the landmark of Bremerhaven, the [...]

Colony in concrete

The traditional concrete company Märker-Beton was looking for a suitable promotional product for decision-makers [...]

Stylish look

There are countless types of handbags. The Dutch delicatessen shop, Le Cockelon, has now [...]

Well played

With over 1 million copies sold, Qwixx is the bestseller of the publishing company [...]