Registration Promotional Gift Award

The Promotional Gift Award is currently undergoing a relaunch and is taking a break. More info here.

WA Media GmbH

Based in Cologne, WA Media GmbH, which was founded in 1982 as WA Publishing, is a media service provider, information platform and event organiser for haptic advertising themes. The portfolio of the specialist publisher includes diverse magazines for the German and European promotional products and marketing market: the domestic industry publication Werbeartikel Nachrichten and the English-language eppi magazine as well as the two end user magazines Promotion Products and HAPTICA®. Furthermore, WA Media organises the “HAPTICA® live – The Experience of Haptic Advertising” and the international Promotional Gift Award competition on an annual basis. Accompanying newsletters, web portals and Social Media activities as well as the specialist book “Haptic Advertising. The practical handbook for the promotional product” round off the offer.
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For further information, please feel free to contact us:

WA Media GmbH
Waltherstr. 49-51
Geb. 32
51069 Köln