There are countless types of handbags. The Dutch delicatessen shop, Le Cockelon, has now made sure that especially its own customers can add a further special specimen to their possibly extensive handbag collection.
The delicatessen distributor was looking for an original packaging solution for presenting wines, cheese, pasta, oil, etc. for Mother’s Day or as a Christmas gift. In reply to this enquiry, the cardboard design and packaging specialists at Hilarius and Octopoint came up with the Luxury Handbag: High-quality gift packaging in the form of a handbag made of corrugated cardboard, the stylish design of which is rounded off by a cord. Displaying so much tongue-in-cheek originality combined with high practical value, the judges of the Promotional Gift Award 2022 simply couldn’t resist awarding the idea a special prize for packaging.
The environmentally-friendly production of the completely recyclable Luxury Handbag that is made out of PEFC-certified corrugated cardboard takes place in the Netherlands. The corrugated cardboard is produced in France from waste paper and cardboard. The customising options include an all-over print, hot foil embossing or stickers. The colour of the cord can also be freely selected.
Hilarius Design