Josera Probenpaket Hund DSC05501 Kopie - Post for BelloAs a rule, dog owners only want the best for their four-legged friends and are correspondingly choosy when selecting the right brand of petfood. So the dog and owner can base their decision for a Josera petfood product on a solid basis, the petfood brand launched a campaign to distribute samples.

Dog owners can order two samples of animal feed as well as a five-Euro voucher via an own landing page and test the petfood that is produced following a climate neutral process free of charge. The surprise for the target group: The mailing is totally individualised right down from the box, to the cover letter, through to the voucher. The corresponding dog breed and the name of the dog are printed on the box. The mailing is additionally geo personalised, it namely includes targeted directions to the nearest local Josera supplier.

The aim of the campaign is to win over new customers and generate leads, but also to support the stationary suppliers. According to Josera, over 600,000 people and animals have received samples of petfood in the scope of the campaign. Partners of the campaign are among others the Deutsche Post, Iocr and Grunewald.

The overall package comprising of an intelligent target group address and promotion of the local suppliers earned the campaign a Promotional Gift Award in the category Best Practice.

Josera petfood GmbH & Co. KG